But… you’re so strong

“You’re so strong. You’ll get through this.”

I can’t count the number of times I have hard that. For the most part, I guess I am strong. I have my life together and I am emotionally stable. I am the rock that my friends lean on when they need help. I can see why people think I am “so strong.”

But sometimes, life happens.
It knocks the wind out of you and all the air is sucked out of the room.
You’re left feeling shaken, hurt, and unsteady. It’s hard to breathe.
It may even be hard to get out of bed.
When that happens, even “strong” people need help getting back up.
Unfortunately, instead of help, we’re often met with platitudes:

“It just takes time.”
“You’ll get through this.”
“You’re so strong.”

I am sure the people who say these things really believe they are helping. They see it as a compliment. They regurgitate a greeting card platitude and feel they have been of help. Done and dusted. In reality, what they are really doing is absolving themselves of actually helping.

What would help? Instead of “You’ll be fine”, try saying “It sounds like you’re really hurting. Do you want to talk about it?” Then listen. Put your phone down and REALLY listen.

Instead of “Time heals all wounds!!” try “I can see your pain is really raw right now. I’m sorry you’re going through this. What can I do to help you hurt a little less today?” And then do it.

People who know me would describe me as strong, but what they can’t see is that really, I am not. I’m “strong” because I have to be. No one is there to pick me up when I shatter, and I have learned this the hard way. I have to do it myself, but I don’t want to. My aspie brain makes me a great problem solver. Because of this, I’ve spent my entire life helping others and picking up the pieces for other people. It would be absolutely amazing to have someone do that for me. Someone who can anticipate what I need and meet that need without having to be asked. I’d love to have someone like me in my life.

Being a strong woman is hard enough. Being a strong Aspie woman is even harder. Those with Asperger’s already live in a neurotypical world that is pretty judgmental and mean to anyone who appears different. In order to be successful in this world, Aspies have to emulate neurotypical people and follow their social rules. Sometimes, it is just exhausting. The small talk. The noise. The constant smiling because everyone is happy! Happy! HAPPY!. The high-pitched voices and over-enthusiasm. The fake platitudes. It can be overwhelming at times. When you add a personal tragedy to that, it can be immobilizing.


So please – when your friends (Aspie or not) tell you they are hurting or if they share something they are truly struggling with, try not to dismiss their pain with a cliche – even if they are “strong.”

Being right is sometimes wrong.

As an Aspie, I struggle with facial blindness.  I sometimes cannot remember which faces belong to which names. I struggle to remember how I know you.  On social media, I have accumulated friends from all sources – work, neighbors, school, and even Aspie support groups.

While I struggle to remember most people, I can almost always remember which friends are my Aspie buddies on social media.

They are the ones who correct my spelling errors. “You left out an n.” 
They are the ones who point out my meme is not technically accurate.  “Actually, that didn’t happen in 1973. It was in the fall of 1972 that….”
They are the Grammar Nazis. I’d like that meme better if they used proper punctuation!
They are the friends who want to argue the point. And not just a little. They want to argue it into the ground.

I used to do these things too.  I practically couldn’t stop myself from doing it. A misspelled word?  I must correct you!  Lack of punctuation?  Let me educate you!  I’m sure you will find that meme less funny now that I’ve pointed out the grammatical errors!  Even now, there are a few hot button issues with me where I have a hard time holding my tongue.

It took a friend who was bluntly honest for me to learn this valuable lesson:  No one WANTS you to correct their spelling, grammar, or point out flaws in their memes unless they ASK for help editing.  It’s true.  (Shocking, I know!)  When we do those things, the rest of the world feels we are just being annoying.  We think we’re being helpful. We’re proud to show off our skills and intellect. But we’re not viewed as helpful. We’re viewed as a smug party-pooping know-it-all.


What can you do?  You have a few options:

  1. IGNORE IT. Ignore the post and say nothing.  Take Thumper’s advice. If you can’t say something nice….                thumpr
  2. EMBRACE THE SPIRIT – Let’s be real. Even with the grammatical errors and poor spelling, you know what the post was TRYING to say, right?  Embrace the spirit of the post instead of the errors.
  3. HIDE IT. If it is bothering you, and you feel like you can’t let it go, you can always choose to hide certain posts.  I have had to do this myself.
  4. WEIGH THE VALUE OF BEING RIGHT AGAINST THE VALUE OF YOUR FRIENDSHIP WITH THIS PERSON. This is especially true if you know that the person posting believes strongly in what they have shared.  Maybe they feel oranges are the best fruit and should be the ONLY fruit, but you’re a believer in strawberries.  Maybe they even wrongly believe oranges have magical powers that make you fly.  They share a meme badmouthing strawberries and claiming oranges are superior! Bwa ha ha ha!  Before you respond – are you going to convert this person? Are they really going to listen or are they going to cling to their belief that “oranges are the most bestest fruit ever because they make you fly!”  Obviously, you can see the error in their belief.  There are more than enough facts out there to tell you it is Pixie Dust, and not oranges that makes a person fly.  You could show them countless articles, fact sheets, and even a Disney movie to help them see the error of their ways.  They are wrong. SO WRONG.   BUT….If you know they feel strongly, and you aren’t likely to sway their opinion – then ask yourself which is more important:  being right or your friendship.  If your friendship is more valuable, than ignore or hide the post.  People are very sensitive about the things they believe strongly in. No one wants to have something they believe so strongly in disproved publicly on social media.  A debate between magical oranges and strawberries could end up costing your friendship. If you want to talk about their nonsensical belief in citrus – it’s better to do it in person and in a non-confrontational way.


Here are a few things you should NOT do:

  1. EDIT THE MEME – Please do not take the original meme, alter it so it is correct and submit it as a comment. This usually hurts the original poster’s feelings and people perceive it as you being a show-off know-it-all.
  2. DON’T BE PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE – Do not write a post or share a meme on your own wall about misspelled memes or comments. Your friend will know it is about him/her and it will hurt their feelings. Also..if you’re a strawberry lover – don’t immediately post a pro-strawberry/anti-orange post right after your friend posts something about oranges. Again, people take their beliefs seriously and it could be seen as an attack. Remember how strongly you felt about their meme? They will feel the same about yours.
  3. AGGRESSIVELY DISAGREE.  If you disagree with the message, don’t write several posts in a row linking webpages and urls to prove the original poster wrong.  It gives them no chance to respond.  It is viewed as an aggressive attack.  There are times when you can politely disagree on social media. Maybe it isn’t an issue your friend is passionate about, and it is just info she/he shared.  The info is incorrect.  The best approach is to ask questions.  “I’ve seen this meme shared before, but it is misleading. Would you like me to share an article about it?”  If you’re friend says “No” then ignore or hide the post.  If she says yes, then share the article.  Share one article/post at a time and give the original poster a chance to reply before posting more information.

LAST, but certainly NOT least… What if YOU are the one who is always having your posts corrected?

Ask yourself – is this only with certain types of posts (political, etc)?
Is it always the same person or people?

If it is, you can block them from posts that you feel will aggravate them.  You can create group lists for specific people (“Pro-Oranges” for example) and block them if you post anything about strawberries.
You can choose to  NOT post anything that you know others will find controversial.
You can unfriend those who cannot stop correcting you.
If that friend is another Aspie, just be aware he/she may not even realize that what they are doing is hurtful.

Most of the aspies I know love to be right.  Just remember, sometimes – always being right can sometimes be socially wrong.

Teen Aspies: Sometimes it’s better NOT to be yourself

“You’re really cute. Do you like sex? I like sex but I have not had any sex in six months. Would you like to be my girlfriend and have sex with me?”

This is an actual email I received from a male member of a co-ed Asperger’s Support Group on Facebook. My profile says married. I do not flirt online. When I do privately email a male aspie if they are in crisis, I always mention my husband and my family. I never imply that I am single or looking. This does not deter them.


Because Asperger’s is characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction,  I recognize that most of these guys are not trying to offend. They are truly trying to reach out to someone of the opposite sex in the only way they know how: an extremely straightforward way. I am not rude to them. I do not belittle them. I do remind them that “I am married, and this is not an appropriate way to approach a lady you are interested in dating. “ This often strikes up a conversation about HOW to appropriately approach a woman. But… I am a forty year old woman.

For the following story, I’m changing all the details. The town. The name, etc. A couple weeks ago, I joined an Asperger’s Support Group on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Aspergers2/

A young girl joined the group. She had an unusual hyphenated last name.  Little Jane Unusual-Name was using her real profile and her real name. She began to tell us that she was diagnosed with Asperger’s and she felt misunderstood by everyone. She then told us she was 13 years old. As a mom to four kids, this set my Mommy Alarm off at full volume. ** ALERT ** ALERT **

Young aspies tend to be especially trusting and vulnerable. I immediately wanted to protect this girl. I told Jane that she should be careful on the internet. She shouldn’t be disclosing her age using her real profile. She said her parents had warned her about the internet but her profile was ‘safe’. I explained that I am a mom with four kids and that I was concerned about her. I bet her I could tell her where she lived and where she went to school in less than five minutes. She agreed to the challenge.

She had no location listed. She had only 3 pictures of herself. In one of the pics, she was with 2 boys she had tagged. I went to their profiles and both were from Smallville, KS. In one of the girl’s pictures she was wearing a shirt that said SJH (Smallville Junior High, I presume). I googled her very unique name and it directed me to King’s Landing High School’s facebook page located in… Smallville, KS. Her profile did not allow private emails, so I posted to her in the group and said you live in S****e, KS and you go to KLHS. I posted it like that. I didn’t write out the town name.

She immediately BLOCKED me.

I posted to the group and asked someone to please ask this girl to stop using her real name and real profile in online groups with strangers. I used my secondary fb account and posted to her. I told her that if I could find her information – anyone could. Blocking me would not stop others from finding her if they wanted to. I advised her to set up an anonymous profile and not use real pictures of herself if she is looking for support in online groups.   The group administrator blocked me.   He said no one should be using a fake profile even though many of the members obviously do. No one is really named Aspie. I hope this young girl listened.  Predators aren’t always THIS easy to spot:



The problem with online Asperger’s support groups is that they aren’t screened. There truly is no way to know that every single person in the group truly has Asperger’s. Since there are so few services for adults, many “aspies” are self-proclaimed without an actual diagnosis. These groups often get trolls and other individuals who are just looking to antagonize or harass members. They are usually removed fairly quickly but they can do a bit of damage before they leave. Young aspie girls are especially at risk. The young, vulnerable aspie girl is a predator’s perfect victim because not only is she is so desperately reaching out, she is most likely very naïve as well. They may not recognize the warning signs of a predator, troll, or malicious person until it is too late. So please, young Aspies – when you go online for support – do as so many adults do:

  • Create a separate profile.
  • DON’T use your real picture. I can search for you by using your image just like they do on the MTV show CATFISH.  Use something that won’t identify you: your favorite TV character, cartoon character, peace symbol, etc.
  • Don’t have a location listed on your profile.
  • Don’t join ‘local’ groups with your anonymous profile. (Groups like “I love Smallville!”” could give away your location.)
  • If you are solicited for sex, don’t reply. Replying to that person will send them an email with your profile name. Record their name somewhere. Tell someone. If they are a member of a group, you can forward their email to the group administrator and block them.
  • Be sure to always report abusive content—whether it’s on your profile page, or someone else’s. You can also report inappropriate Pages. (Remember that reporting is confidential, so no one will know who made the report.)
  • Be careful who you friend. That 19 yr old boy may really be a 39 year old man or 43 yr old woman. You really don’t know.
  • Be cautious about the information you do share. It surprising how easy it can be to piece together information about you from the information you share.
  • If you are sharing something about the way another person has treated you, don’t use their real name either. Saying “Gabriel Hobbes really made me mad today!” gives readers an opportunity to google Gabriel Hobbes and maybe even figure out who you are.
  • Be aware that just because it says Asperger’s Support Group does not mean it is 100% SAFE! As I mentioned before: there is no screening. Even adult Aspies have had trolls and predators email them. The internet is NEVER safe.
  • When you are new to a group, sometimes it is better to observe for a while. You will soon discover the members/admins who are very active and seem to be trusted by the group. Although the internet is never truly safe, these individuals would be the ones who are least likely to be trolls.
  • Just because someone says they have Asperger’s doesn’t mean they do. I have met several individuals online who claim to have Asperger’s just to troll.
  • Remember Asperger’s is a spectrum disorder. Not every Aspie you meet online is going to be like you.
  • Finally: Please remember that NOTHING is ever private on the internet. Even in a ‘secret’ group. Anyone can take a screenshot of anything you say at any time and share it. Once you put it online, it is out there for anyone to share. Please be mindful.

I’m a slightly chubby, 40 yr old married woman. If I am getting solicitations on facebook, a pretty teenage girl will definitely be solicited. Please be careful.

Tired of all these Autism and ADHD brats!


When I was a kid they didn’t call it “Behavioral Disorders.”  They called it “Being a little brat!”  This is just ONE of many memes I have seen on my social networks. They are shared by my friends and family. I would like to think that is just the ignorant/uneducated who feel this way, but it isn’t.

Driving home from work a couple weeks ago, a college-educated peer told me that she felt that “most of these autism and adhd diagnoses” are fabricated.  Her son had some of the traits of a child with Autism/ADHD but HE doesn’t have Autism/ADHD so maybe it doesn’t really exist. She felt it was just an “excuse” for people NOT to parent. Did I mention she was COLLEGE EDUCATED?!?  She knew about my blog, my Asperger’s, and my beliefs, but since my thoughts are different from hers, of course mine MUST be wrong.  After all, it’s just years of science and research backing up my story. What is that compared to her personal experience with her own kids?

I call people who think this way The Dismissers. I get so frustrated when people make those sort of comparisons. Because their experience is “x” then yours must be “x” too. “I never wore a seat belt when I was a kid. I’m fine.” Thanks Professor Know-It-All. Was your car ever t-boned by a pickup truck? No?  Then I don’t think you’re fine because you didn’t wear a seat belt. You’re fine because you didn’t have an accident. Just like your child is fine because they DON’T have Autism or ADHD.  It is unfortunate that people think that way because a parent of a truly ADHD child would probably glady exchange your childs “similar traits” for their child’s full-blown ADHD.

Maybe you’ve met another type of ignorance: The Spanking Cures EVERYTHING Bunch.Their meme might say “I was spanked as a child. As a result I now have a psychological condition known as ‘respect for others’.”  Sorry to burst your balloon folks, but I had the fire spanked out of me on many, many, MANY occasions and you may be surprised to know that no matter how hard she tried, my mother could not spank the Autism out of me.


Instead of spanking respect into me, my logical brain processed it this way:


Spankings only served to remind me just how worthless I was. Even as a kid I knew you could get in trouble for hitting a dog, but not a kid.  Spanking reminded me of my lack of value.  It taught me fear. It taught me you could be a hypocrite as long as you were physically bigger.  It didn’t teach me love or respect.  I moved out at 17 and you want to know what really hurts when I look back at my childhood? I was a GOOD kid. No drinking. No smoking. No drugs. No sass. Still got whipped.  I finally decided “What’s the point in being good if you’re still going to get hit?” Hitting me had the opposite effect. Instead of curbing bad behavior, it encouraged it. If I was going to get hit -I might as well make it worth it. If being a little late meant I would be whipped, I might as well stay out until dawn.

While the Dismissers and the Spankers frustrate me, The Nelsons really frost my cookies.  These are adult bullies (like Nelson on the Simpsons) They think that bullying OTHER peoples’ kids is their right.

HA_HA_-NELSON_SIMPSONSWhat’s even worse is that many people appear to agree. This past week I saw many  people on social media sharing the story about an adult man who was frustrated in Burger King. If you believe his story, the man was in line in front of a mother and her son.  His story claims that the boy was repeatedly screaming that he wanted some “F-ing Pie.” When it was his turn to order, the man decided he would buy all 23 pies so the child could not have one. The writer (who has removed his post) claims: “Moments later I hear the woman yelling, what do you mean you don’t have any pies left, who bought them all? I turn around and see the cashier pointing me out with the woman shooting me a death glare. I stand there and pull out a pie and slowly start eating eat as I stare back at her. She starts running towards me but can’t get to me because of other lineups in the food court. I turn and slowly walk away.”

There. Ha ha kid.


Lesson learned! Right? Almost all of the comments cheered for the ADULT man who bought all the pies to keep an obnoxious child from getting one. (As if Burger King couldn’t cook more pies.) I cannot understand that.  They are the biggest hypocrites of all. They believe they can change a child’s disrespectful behavior with their own poor behaviors.


  • You dismiss true medical diagnoses.  Would you ever share a meme that described deaf people as “deaf & dumb”?  No! Of course you wouldn’t. Although that terminology was used historically, in today’s world it sounds derogatory and is offensive to the deaf community.  (Yes, I realize dumb used to mean mute and not a measure of their intelligence.)  I am sure kids with ADHD were often misdiagnosed as “just being brats.” We know now that they aren’t. Don’t perpetuate ignorance.
  • You are saying that any child that is misbehaving just needs to be hit in order to behave. Although I would disgree with spanking for any child, it is especially damaging to children with Autism/ADHD/Mental disorders.
  • You encourage grown adults to act malevolent and petty towards children.     You APPLAUD them for it. “You showed that kid!”
  • You tell the world that bullying IS OK as long as it’s an adult doing it to a child.

Stop. Please.  With all the funny, rib-tickling memes out there on social media, surely you can share something else?
Share a time when you were feeling burnt out and just let the kids have frozen waffles for dinner.
Share a time when you were overly exhausted and let your child get away with behavior you normally wouldn’t because you just didn’t have the energy that day.

EVERY parent has had these moments of desperation.
EVERY child has made a mistake and acted poorly.
Don’t judge them based on a 30 second interaction.

I know… some of you are saying “But some kids ARE brats!”  Do you know the child? Can you honestly tell by looking at a child which one has ADHD or Autism?  Can you tell from the kids below?


Yeah. Me neither.  You would be surprised to learn which of these kiddos struggles with Asperger’s.   Is it the blonde haired boy with his sweet smile?  Surely that brown haired boy must be up to no good. He just looks like he wants to break something.  What about the little girl in pigtails. Is she cute or spoiled rotten?  And that teenager giving the camera a thumbs up?  Is she a good kid or is she slamming doors and screaming “I hate you!” to her parents?

It is so easy to project our experiences, our beliefs onto another person or situation.

For the record, between the two boys, the little blonde haired boy would be the kiddo most likely to break something.  He may look sweet and innocent here (and he is) but he has enough energy for three children. He can sneak a snack cake out of the kitchen in 2 seconds flat. He has to touch everything. He is my own personal Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes (my favorite comic).  If I don’t hear him, I need to go find him.  My brunette son was trying to give me a tough guy pose for this picture years ago.  He is my people-pleasing, “yes ma’am”, “no ma’am”, “please and thank you” kid. He was the designated “Kind Kid” ambassador at school and was assigned the task of showing new kids around.  He would give you his very last bite of food right off of his plate if he even thought you looked hungry.

As for the two girls. Well… the little one with the pig tails is an advanced reader. She’s a perfect little frog-loving, lizard catching tomboy. She loves everyone. She shares without being asked.  She is such an angel.  The teenager is also a good kid. A little withdrawn and addicted to Skype, but she helps take care of her siblings while her momma works. She cooks dinner. She is beautiful and has such a tender heart.  I don’t know what I would do without her.  Did I forget to mention – the two girls on the end are the same girl. The pictures are twelve years apart.

See how little we know by just a look?

If you want to share something today, share this.

An exercise in ignorance

The level of prejudice and ignorance that is alive and well today is heart-breaking to me, and I was reminded of its prevalence during a recent group activity.  When we began, we were not told the purpose of the exercise.  The forty of us were divided into two groups. Group A was directed to go outside for their instructions.  I remained inside with group B.

We were told: 
You are the “Peaceful River Dwellers.”  Your ancestors have lived in this community for thousands of years.  You have no poverty, no homelessness. Your children are well-educated. You have a high standard of living. You are a peaceful people living in a Utopian society.

We were told this about the other group: 
A group is coming that wants to infiltrate your community.  They do not think they way you do.  They do not act like you do. They will bring strife. They will bring viruses and disease you have not been exposed to. Do not make eye contact with them. Do not encourage them. Your group will be successful if you keep them out of your circle, out of your community.

We were then given time to discuss what our plan of action would be.  One woman moved to the front and immediately asserted herself as Leader without asking if she could lead.  She said we should keep them out at all costs because she is a mother and didn’t want them to bring illness to HER family! She asked what the group thought.  People said:

We should build a wall to keep them out!
We should do whatever it takes to keep them from getting in!
We could build a moat!
We could throw rocks at them!

Someone reminded the group that we are “peaceful” River Dwellers.

I stepped in and said, “Couldn’t we send an ambassador to talk to them to see why they have chosen OUR community?  Maybe they need water.”

Leader spoke up and disagreed.  “THOSE PEOPLE need to stay on their own side of the river!”  Another group member suggested allowing them to live on the other side of the river and sending them care packages from across the river.

A quiet woman spoke up and stated she was a Christian and because of her religion, she wouldn’t be able to turn them away. Another member asked her “What would you do if someone tried to break into your home?”  She replied “Shoot ’em with my gun!” and her voice was silenced.

I voiced my opinion more strongly. “This FEELS wrong.  This feels very 1950’s racist to me. You folks stay on your own side of the river. Don’t come to our side. Don’t drink from our water fountains. This feels WRONG. We need to talk to them to understand why they chose us.”

Leader reminded us the paper said we would be successful if we kept them out.  I persisted “But whose idea of success is that?  Is that OURS?”  Leader decided my idea was foolish because we need to protect our own. She took a vote to see who wanted to keep them out.  Everyone but me raised their hand. We were to stand in a circle, arms linked, staring at our feet when the group tried to infiltrate us.  My heart sank at the level of ignorance in the group. I could not believe these 20 adults were willing to just go along with one person without fully assessing the situation.  They were willing to do these actions without question because of a piece of paper.

usvthemGroup B entered the room.  They approached our circle speaking kind words. They stroked our hair and told us we were “so beautiful.”  They asked if they could come in. They said they had a lot to offer our community.  They said they wanted to work with us.  They complimented us repeatedly and smiled the entire time.  Still, our group kept their heads down. When I tried talking to one of the people from Group B, my Leader told another member to “handle it” and I was reminded to keep my head down.  At that moment, a younger member of Group B had crawled through a gap in the circle on the other side of the circle and the “game” was over.

We sat back down in our chairs and the facilitators read our group descriptions out loud. 

Group B were called “The Explorers”  They were told:
You are a group of explorers. You never stay in one place for very long. You travel from community to community learning new knowledge and sharing the knowledge you have accumulated.  You are innovative and open to new ideas. 

You are approaching a community that is very set in their ways. They have been following the same traditions for years. They will not welcome outsiders in their community, but if they do not receive the innovations you have to share, their group will die out in the next 100 years.  Be pleasant and persistent. You will succeed if you are able to infiltrate their circle.”

We were surprised to hear how we had been described to the other group. Both descriptions were accurate, yet people allowed their personal prejudices to turn the words into more.  We were asked to discuss the exercise and the group facilitator went over to me immediately. “I know Sherri had some very strong opinions about this exercise.  Do you want to tell us about it?”

I did.  I told them I felt my group was being very prejudiced. I felt we learned nothing from our history of racism. My “Leader” was quick to judge the other group simply because they were “different” than our group.  The exercise affected me deeply.

Why am I discussing this on my blog about Asperger’s?  Because it is relevant here.  We are The Explorers in this exercise. We don’t think the way others do. Because of our obsessive thinking, we gather huge amounts of knowledge about specific subjects. We never fit in, so we are transient – moving from friend to friend, job to job. At each place we learn more about people and the way things work and we often want to share our knowledge with others only to be told “KEEP OUT! You’re DIFFERENT!”  We watch as the neurotypical crowd huddles closely together to keep us from infiltrating.  We try being kind. We try saying the things we think they want to hear only to be sent away. Usually we blame ourselves. 

This exercise has reinforced a belief I have internalized for a long time. I grew up believing that it was my fault that I was on the outside because I was the one who was different. As I have grown, I’ve learned that I am not responsible for the lack of tolerance and acceptance in others.

If you have Autism/Asperger’s, It is not you.
It is not US.
It is not.

I ask that you please read this out loud to yourself:
I am NOT failing because others won’t let me in.
It is their failure.
It is their ignorance.
It is their wrongful prejudice.
I am not responsible for their cruelty.

Promise me this: 
Promise me that from this day forward, you will never let another person’s intolerance and bigotry make you feel inferior. Ever.

I haven’t forgotten

I haven’t forgotten you.  I promise. 

I am currently in the process of working on my Statement of Purpose for the Master’s of Social Work Program.  Hang in there with me a little longer.  I have so much to say still. I just need the time to write it out.

With love,

Sherri (aka Pensive)

There is no such thing as an Autistic Adult

Autism only occurs in children.  Because it is a childhood disorder, as an autistic child leaves adolescence behind, the symptoms of their autism will gradually decrease and disappear. By the time the person is an adult, they will be completely Autism-free. They will have no need for speech or physical therapy. No need for mental health services. They will be fully functioning adults – ready to get a job, go to college and begin their new life without autism.


Of course this is ABSOLUTELY, 100% NOT TRUE, but this is something I am told every day by the media and organizations that claim to “support Autism.”

When I first suspected I had Asperger’s, I immediately began looking for more information about a diagnosis and support. A google search of Autism and Jacksonville, FL was hopeful. So many resources! CARD (Center for Autism and Related Disabilities). The HEAL (Healing Every Autistic Life) Foundation. Jacksonville School for Autism. The Learning Tree. There is even an annual Autism Symposium every year!! Surely I hit the Autism Support Jackpot, right?


The Autism Symposium was laughable. The folder they gave us talked about the speakers and their massive qualifications, but the packet contained nothing useful for a person WITH autism. When I asked the woman in charge if she knew of any resources for adults, she looked at me as if I had just asked if I could pull an alien out of my eyeball. She actually said “Did you Google it?”  *Sigh*. Thanks for that illuminating advice, princess.

Although this was an “Autism Symposium”, they didn’t list any kind of resources at all. The speakers spoke at a collegiate level about the genetic makeup and studies being done to identify the “autism gene.” They spent HOURS focusing on ‘what CAUSES Autism’ at the genetic level (eyeroll). Another “how can we cure ‘em” symposium. I didn’t care what *causes* Autism. I wanted to know what to do with it. I wanted to know more about it but not on a cellular level. The lights were too bright. The speakers were too loud.  For an “Autism” symposium, it was NOT sensory-friendly.  Every person at my table was disappointed with the lack of useful information given.

I kept trying.  I called the places from my Google search. Each place only works with children. Each place I called referred me to the next because they did not know of any services offered to adults. Referral after referral led me on a wild goose chase until the circle was complete. They were all referring me to each other – each apparently unaware of the services the other was offering. It was disappointing and disheartening.

I asked “What happens to kids after they turn 18?”

“They age out of the system.”

So… they DON’T need services anymore? They’re somehow amazingly cured?

No. They are just denied help.


They are denied help at a time in their life when they need help the most. At 18 yrs old, children are graduating high school and getting ready for college. They are transitioning from dependent to independent living for the first time in their lives. They might be going to college – away from friends, family, and their support system. I cannot think of a worse time to rip their mental health services away.

After failing to find an “autistic support organization” that helped Autistic adults, I tried psychologists. Even though I have very good insurance, I was once again told “We only work with CHILDREN with autism.” Or “We don’t accept insurance. You would have to pay out-of-pocket” (at the cost of at least $100 an hour.)

If I couldn’t get a psychologist to speak to me with my Blue Cross insurance, how will my autistic brothers and sisters get help? According to the US News and World Report, over 50% of people with autism are unemployed. FIFTY percent. They are most likely on disability. They probably have Medicaid for their health insurance. If psychologists aren’t taking Blue Cross, you know they aren’t taking Medicaid.

So what happens when Autistic kids turn into Autistic adults?

Absolutely nothing.
No support. No services. No autistic organization reaching out with social skills/employment skills.

What really chaps my hide is that so many of these kids are brilliant. They could flourish in college and excel in the real world if it weren’t for their social anxieties. Instead, they often can’t handle it. They feel much safer at home, surrounded by friends and family. They drop out. They remain dependent. They may end up on disability and Medicaid instead of learning the social skills they need to function in the working world. Instead of graduating college, our autistic young adult college drop-out is probably going to be on disability for the rest of his/her life (60 more years) because there were NO services to help him/her transition into independent living. At the rate of $721 per month, It would cost over $500,000 to pay disability for 60 years. Surely it wouldn’t cost 1/10 of that to provide mental health services.

I was lucky. I found another woman with Asperger’s who was a counselor.  Insurance was not accepted, so I had to pay the $40 a session out of pocket. Thankfully, I was able to afford it for a short while. She helped me understand how Asperger’s affects me and those around me. She pointed me in the right direction.  I learned most of what I know about Asperger’s through the internet from Google searches and online support groups. (Thank you Facebook.)

Unfortunately, online is NOT enough. Aspies struggle with interpersonal communication. Although it is EASIER to communicate from behind the monitor, it doesn’t teach us the skills necessary to speak to others in person. It doesn’t teach customer service. It doesn’t help us with the dreaded eye contact. It doesn’t teach us to function in the real world.

We need more.

Autistic kids grow up to be autistic adults and we are failing them.

So what am I doing about it?

I have emailed ASAN (Autistic Self Advocacy Network) to start a chapter here in North Florida.

I am going back to school this fall as soon as I figure out which degree would help me reach my goal of being able to provide counseling to other autistic individuals: A Master’s in Social Work or a Master’s in Psychology. I already have my Bachelor’s in Nursing.  I’m doing my research on this now.

What about you?  🙂

Dear “Autism Parents”,

What many of those without autism fail to realize. Excellent points by an amazing blogger.

Just Stimming...

I want to clear a couple of things up.


I don’t have autism. I am autistic. This is important to me. It also doesn’t mean that I “see myself as a disability first and a person second,” whatever that is supposed to mean. In my eyes, I’m Julia. Just Julia.

I cannot separate out which parts of me brain are wired because baby I was born this way and which parts of my brain should be marked off as AUTISM. Nor do I particularly care, to be honest. I am Julia, and a significant fraction of Julia is autism (and thus, via the transitive property, I am autism but that’s not the point). Am I a writer because I’m Julia, or because I’m autistic? My writing is good in its own right, I am told, and it’s also fundamentally shaped by my neurology–just like yours. I like

View original post 2,015 more words

What’s IN that? Don’t worry. You’ll love it. *sigh*

Autistics and new foods. We sniff. We scan. We ask “What’s IN that?” We may even poke it with a fork or touch it first. I’m more than certain our inability to hide our emotions makes for some great faces during all of this sniffing, prodding, and inspecting.


I want to start this blog by sharing something that my wonderful friend (and fellow Aspie) Aletheia Knights shared with me.  After sharing this comical (but TRUE) link about “picky eaters” on her Facebook, she described the Autistic struggle with food better than I ever could.

Please check out the link and then read on.  For those who don’t know me personally, #16 is a spot-on impersonation of me.




Did you really read the link above?. ^^




You did?   Ok, read on.
My friend Aletheia says:  “This is all so true. Like many people on the autism spectrum or with other sensory issues, I am a resistant eater – a term some medical professionals use to distinguish our issues from ‘picky’ eating. Most picky eaters can learn to broaden their tastes, and may feel comfortable trying a new food after having been exposed to it a few times. For resistant eaters, this is almost impossible. Trying anything outside our culinary comfort zone, whatever that may be, is almost unthinkable – it’s as if it doesn’t even quite register in the mind as falling into the category ‘food’ – and can be a tremendous source of anxiety. For many people, trying something new is a fun adventure; for me, it’s an actual accomplishment. If you tell me to eat what’s served or go to bed hungry, I won’t even have to think about it – I’m just tremendously relieved I have an option other than ‘eat it.'”

Amen buddy.

In the past, I have tried to describe the tremendous anxiety I feel at the thought of trying new food, but Aletheia nailed it.  It is an anxiety I have carried with me my whole life. Even as a child, if a friend invited me to stay the night, I had to know what was for dinner first.  Casserole – with all the foods mixed together? Without even asking my mom, I would say “Sorry. My mom says no.”   Fried chicken and mashed potatoes? “Let me ask my mom!” 🙂

As I have gotten older, I realize that fear is irrational yet it is still there. Always there. The same way others fear teeny little mice (irrational too!), I fear new foods. The only difference is that it is acceptable to go running out of the room at the thought of a six ounce mouse. It is not acceptable to run out of the room at the thought of a six ounce dish of calamari. Calawhat?  No thank you. Give me the mouse any day.

If it were just the food, I think I might be able to tackle it, but it’s the social pressure that comes with it. People EXPECT you to try new foods. They EXPECT you to want to eat your food mixed together and *gasp* touching.  There is almost zero sympathy for those with food anxiety – regardless of your age. Children are mocked and belittled and told their feelings don’t matter “Just TRY it. Here…. open your mouth! What are you? A baby?”  The mocking doesn’t stop when childhood ends. The social pressure ADULTS place on each other to try new foods (especially gourmet food) is as bad as the social pressure teenagers put on each other for sex or drugs or drinking. “Come on? Seriously?  You won’t try it? One little bite isn’t gonna hurt you. You’d like it if you just tried it. Come on.  You know you want it.”    No. Actually, I know I do NOT want it. Thank you very much. My  personal favorite is when they know you have an aversion to a certain food (mushrooms… *shudder*) and they tell you “But you can’t TASTE the mushrooms.”  Yes. I guarantee you I can.  When you find a certain flavor repulsive, it is even more distinguishable.

Whether someone is on the spectrum or not, please be considerate of their tastes.  If they don’t want to try a new food, let it be. More for you, right?  It doesn’t matter if they’re 8 or 98.  It isn’t right to belittle or pressure someone into doing ANYTHING they don’t want to do.  Just because it’s easy for you doesn’t mean it’s easy for me.  Are you ready to carry a jumping spider in your palm? A long-tailed rat on your shoulder?   A glorious smooth green snake around your neck?  What about snuggling with a bat? Come on. Just try it. You know you want it.

I mean.. I would.   🙂  Who wouldn’t love a face like this:





A note to my readers (if you survived that gorgeous jumping spider).  I just want to tell you that I continue to be amazed by you.  All of you. I love when you connect with me on twitter and facebook. The letters you write me are so treasured. Your tweets and posts on facebook make me smile. I love when I see one that makes me say “I knew I wasn’t the only person that thought that!”  I am just so blessed to have this opportunity to ‘meet’ all of you and so, so grateful for social media that has allowed us to connect.  ❤   There is a whole *universe* of people like me out there. People just like you.  My heart is just so full ❤


It’s YOUR fault that I behaved badly.

There is a power that some people possess that has always confused me.  Certain people have an uncanny ability to avoid accountability for their actions by twisting and stretching the situation so that you are the reason the problem exists. These people are emotionally volatile and by the time they’ve finished, they can almost convince you that it’s not their behavior that is the concern. It is your REACTION to their behavior that is the problem.


These people have a magical way with words that always manages to clear them of any responsibility or wrong-doing.  Their ability to  flip a situation around and make you feel guilty is mind-boggling. Usually it happens so fast that you don’t even realize it until all the drama is over.  I’ll give an example:

You have a friend you go to lunch with.  Maybe she realizes she’s being rude. Maybe she doesn’t, but when she wants the waitress  she waves her hand in the air, wolf whistles and shouts “Hey! Over here!”  It embarrasses you. When the waitress does come, she is really demanding and rude. “I know they give you onions on the side, but I want you to dice them for me.”  “I want lemon for my tea but don’t put it on the glass. Bring an extra dish for it to sit on.”  “This butter for my rolls is too hard. Go find some soft butter.” On top of all that, she leaves a lousy tip. $1. No matter what her meal costs, she always leaves a dollar. It’s gotten to the point where you don’t even want to go out to lunch with her anymore because it is so embarrassing. If you just avoid her, you know it will turn into a big deal. You decide to talk to her about it.

You tiptoe. You approach slowly. “There is something I’ve been wanting to talk to you about. When we go out to eat, you are not polite to the wait staff.  You ask them to go above and beyond for you. You whistle and wave at them. You only leave $1 tip.”  Probably you drag this conversation out a little longer but for the sake of the blog, that’s the gist of it.

Your friend immediately reacts.”WHAT? So you’re sitting here trying to tell me that I’m rude? So you’re taking the side of a waitress – someone you don’t even KNOW?  You’re saying that when I go out to eat I shouldn’t ask for my food to be cooked the way I like it because it’s TOO DEMANDING?”

You try to explain, but your friend isn’t listening. She’s intent on making this YOUR fault. Not hers “So I’m at a restaurant paying $2 for a glass of tea and when it’s empty I’m NOT supposed to signal the waitress?!? I’m supposed to just wait until she has the TIME to fill my drink while my food gets cold? That’s what you expect? That I shouldn’t order my food the way I want and shouldn’t expect my drink to be refilled?!? Why the hell even go? Fine. You win!! You want to be that way? Don’t ever worry about going to a restaurant with me EVER again!”


You’re shell shocked. What just happened here?  You check yourself. You ask others if they would deem her behavior rude. Yes, they would. Yet she’s turned it around and made it so you are the jerk with unreasonable demands.

For all Aspies, these types of arguments are hurtful.  For some Aspies who experienced bullying or abuse, these types of arguments are even more damaging. Because so many of us were bullied or endured abuse from our families, screaming and yelling causes us to shut down. It mentally reverts us back to that small, scared child who cannot defend him/herself: that child that just wants to shrink into the pavement and disappear. We are so distraught by the anger and the yelling that we cannot even defend our position. We just want to melt into the wall.

What’s even worse is that for many non-autistic people, fighting like this is acceptable. They scream. They yell. The next day they are fine. We aren’t. We’re still trying to find a logical, sensible solution to the problem. We’re still trying to figure out what part of our approach was so repulsive that the person reacted the way they did. We’re swimming in a sea of lost. More than likely we are blaming ourselves because we’ve always failed at “reading people” that it never occurs to us that the other person is IN THE WRONG.

They say things like “I got mad. I’m  over it. YOU need to get over it too”  AS IF it were that easy for us.  We need to analyze. We want to know why. What caused it? We want to break it down into micro-particles so we NEVER make that mistake again. All the while, never realizing that it wasn’t our fault. 

We have been taught that we are the oddballs – the ones who are different, so when people react differently than we think they should, we automatically assume it was our error. It’s NOT. 

I wish I could tell you how to deal with individuals like this. I’m still trying to figure it out myself. It’s hard when they are your ‘friends’ but it is even harder when they are your family.  Maybe some day I’ll know how to approach them better. Maybe some day I’ll be able to stand my ground. But for now…I’ve taken the first step by realizing that at least this time… this time… *I* am not wrong.

Have you had an experience like this?  How did you react?